STATUTES of the beyondNOW association
Article 1 - Name and registered office
Under the name of "beyondNOW" there is an association based in Zurich ZH within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code.
Article 2 - Purpose
The commitment of the association "beyondNOW"
For us, diversity is the basis of a successful society and the basis for its sustainability. Any form of disadvantage or discrimination against people (legal and natural persons) - in particular, due to age, gender, Religion, belief, ethnic or social origin, disability, or sexual identity and orientation - is unacceptable. We stand for equal rights participation and equal opportunities.
- The association aims to develop new sustainability standards, Planning, construction, and operation of hospitality units (such as hotels, resorts, long-stay, boarding housing, student housing, senior living, etc.) be defined and optionally certified.
- The association primarily aims to create an interlocking system from the Production and manufacture through logistics, planning, and construction for a holistic well-thought-out solutions up to the operative business over the whole life cycle of the property through the use of suitable materials, innovative technologies, contemporary digitization and the to develop sustainable energy and environmental solutions.
- The association promotes these interests in cooperation with others associations and academic research institutions.
- The association pursues this goal (under item 3) through targeted Public relations, studies and research, targeted promotion of new ideas and startups, basic work and advocacy on a political level Level.
- The association aims to establish the foundation of an EU Taxonomy for companies under ESG regulation.
- Make sustainable subsidies accessible for the real estate industry.
Article 3 - The Means
The means of the association to pursue the purpose of the association consist of:
- Ordinary and extraordinary membership fees
- Voluntary donations or bequests
- Sponsorships or gifts
- The proceeds from club activities or club assets
- Subsidies from public authorities
- Loans
The fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st. The association's liabilities are exclusively covered by the association's assets.
Article 4 - Membership
Members of the association can be natural persons, partnerships and
become legal entities. Registration for membership must be made in writing to be made by the board of directors, which makes the final decision on admission.
Membership Types:
- Ordinary members with voting rights
- Non-Voting associate members
- Supporting membership without voting rights
- Advisory board membership without voting rights
Article 5 – Withdrawal and Expulsion
It is possible to leave the association at the end of the year.
The Board of Directors can remove a member who acts contrary to the interests of the association. The exclusion takes place by a majority decision of the board of directors. An excluded member can appeal against a decision to exclude them by the board of directors within 30 days of receiving written notification by bringing the matter to the next association meeting. The appeal must be submitted to the Board of Directors. The general assembly decides with a majority of one vote more than that half of the members present definitely on the objection.
Article 6 – Bodies of the association
The organs of the association are:
- the general assembly
- the board of directors
- the advisory board
- the auditors
Article 7 – The General Assembly
The general assembly is the supreme body of the association.
Within their authority, they are specifically responsible for:
- Election and dismissal of the members of the board of directors;
- Election of the president of the board;
- Election of the auditors;
- Approval of the association accounts;
- Granting discharge to the board of directors;
- Determination of the contributions to be paid by the members;
- Resolution on acceptance and amendment of the statutes;
- Appeal decisions on expulsion resolutions by the executive board;
- Resolution on the dissolution of the association;
- Passing resolutions on the items by law or by the articles of association are reserved or submitted by the board.
Article 8 – Convocation of the General Assembly
The association meeting shall be convened by the President of the board, upon resolution of the board of directors. Furthermore, it must be convened if one-fifth of the members request it in writing.
The regular association meeting shall take place once a year, no later than six months after the end of the association year.
The convocation must be made at least 30 days in advance for regular association meetings, and at least 10 days in advance for extraordinary ones. It must include the agenda items.
Article 9 - Voting Rights and Decision Making
Each regular member has one vote at the association meeting. The association meeting passes its resolutions and conducts elections by a majority of one vote more than half of the members present unless the law expressly provides otherwise.
Article 10 - The Executive Committee
The executive committee consists of one or more members. It constitutes itself, except for the president, who is elected by the association meeting. The executive committee has the following responsibilities in particular:
- Preparation of the association meeting;
- Implementation of the resolutions of the association meeting;
- Decision on the admission and possible exclusion of association members;
- Handling of suggestions, proposals, and complaints from association members;
- Preparation of the budget and annual financial statements;
- Administration of the association's assets;
- Activities related to the fulfillment of the association's purpose.
In addition, it has all further powers that are not expressly reserved for another association body by law or the articles of association.
Article 11 - Representation and Signing Authority
The association is represented to the outside world by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee determines who is authorized to sign and how the signing is to be done.
Article 12 - The Auditors
The association meeting elects one or two natural persons as auditors for a period of one year. The audit can also be assigned solely to a legal person (e.g., a trust company). The association's accounts are to be closed annually. The auditors are obliged to review the association's annual accounts and report to the regular association meeting on the results of their review.
Article 13 - Liability
Only the association's assets are liable for its obligations. Any personal liability of its members is expressly excluded.
Article 14 - Dissolution and Liquidation
The dissolution of the association requires the approval of a majority of one vote more than half of the members present at the association meeting. If the dissolution is decided upon, the liquidation is to be carried out by the Executive Committee, unless the association meeting appoints special liquidators. The net assets remaining after payment of all debts, taxes, and other obligations are to be assigned to a determination corresponding to the association's purpose by resolution of the association meeting.
Article 15 - Entry into Force
These articles of association were adopted at the founding meeting on April 1, 2022, and came into force on this date.